Feast, Famine & Potluck: The Winners

After difficult deliberations, Petina Gappah has chosen the winners of our Feast, Famine and Potluck short story competition. 

1st Place: "My Father's Head" by Okwiri Odour (Kenya)
2nd Place: "Choke" by Jayne Bauling (South Africa)
3rd Place: "Chicken" by Efemia Chela (Ghana/Zambia)

Short Story Day Africa is grateful to the support of the writing community of Africa, and especially to BooksLive, All About Writing, Helena S. Paige, The Caine Prize for African Writing, Modjaji Books and Botsotso for sponsoring the prizes.

Also to Petina Gappah, Isabella Morris, Consuelo Roland and Novuyo Rosa-Tshuma for generously giving their time and love of the craft to judge the competition. Buy their books, they're wonderful and we can all learn a lot from their work.

Special thanks to our team of readers, whose names can now be revealed without fear of reprisal. Tiah Beautement, Henrietta Rose-Innes, Diane Awerbuck, Karina Magdalena Szczurek-Brink, Alé Steyn, Na'eemah Masoet, Sheryl Kavin, Lindsay van Rensburg and Casey B Dolan.

And to all the writers who entered this year a big thank you. We hope you'll continue writing and submitting to competitions and publishers. There is so much talent, we wish we had the resources to work with all of you.